Church of St. Anastasia (2024)

Table of Contents
Church of St. Anastasia 1 0 9 5 T e a n e c k R o a d , T e a n e c k , N e w J e r s e y 0 7 6 6 6 w w w . s a i n t a n a s t a s i a . o r g READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday Gn 9:8-15; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 Monday 1 Pt 5:1-4; Mt 16:13-19 Tuesday Is 55:10-11; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday Jon 3:1-10; Lk 11:29-32 Thursday Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Mt 7:7-12 Friday Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday Dt 26:16-19; Mt 5:43-48 THEOLOGY ROUNDTABLE YOUTH MINISTRY FUNDRAISER VIRTUAL PAMPERED CHEF PARTY CHECK IT OUT! stayouthministry0217 HIGH SCHOOL ESSAY CONTEST department/ high-school-essay-contest.cfm February ___, 2021 Dear Friend, I trust that this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere thanks for your generosity to the 2021 Annual Appeal. Your gift is a testament to your stewardship and solidarity with the mission of our parish and our Archdiocese. I am grateful for your support. In good times and uncertain times, it gives me great solace to know that there are so many parishioners willing to share their gifts of time, talent, and treasure in service to God and neighbor. Thank you for all you do to make our parish a vibrant faith community in word and deed. Your gift will have a lasting impact in the lives served by the programs and ministries who benefit from this annual campaign. Please be assured of my continued prayers for you and your loved ones. Please pray for me. Sincerely, ___ de febrero de 2021 Querido (a) Amigo (a), Confío en que esta carta te encuentre bien. Quería tomarme un momento para expresarle mi más sincero agradecimiento por su generosidad con la Campaña Anual 2021. Su donación es un testimonio de su corresponsabilidad y solidaridad con la misión de nuestra parroquia y nuestra Arquidiócesis. Le agradezco su apoyo. En tiempos buenos y tiempos inciertos, me da un gran consuelo saber que hay tantos feligreses dispuestos a compartir sus dones de tiempo, talento y tesoro en servicio a Dios y al prójimo. Gracias por todo lo que haces para hacer de nuestra parroquia una comunidad de fe vibrante de palabra y obra. Su donación tendrá un impacto duradero en las vidas de aquellos que se benefician de los programas y ministerios de esta campaña anual. Tenga la seguridad de mis continuas oraciones por usted y sus seres queridos. Por favor, reza por mí. Sinceramente, A Message from Our Pastor Mensaje de Nuestro Pastor We Are Us Staffing Corp. 201-304-7984 CENTURY LANDSCAPING T eaneck N ursing R ehabilitation & Teaneck Flower Shop 201-833-1400 201-837-6700 201-833-1897 God Bless America Marc J. Brenner, ESQ. 973-326-8902 NEED A LAWYER? INJURED? References

Church of St. Anastasia

1 0 9 5 T e a n e c k R o a d , T e a n e c k , N e w J e r s e y 0 7 6 6 6 w w w . s a i n t a n a s t a s i a . o r g

Parish Office: Phone: 201.837.3354/Fax: 201.837.3360 Email:

Faith Formation Office: Phone: 201.837.3356 Email:

Youth Minister: Robin Bado Email:

RCIA: Deacon Kevin Regan Email:

Director of Religious Education: Michelle Bivins Email:


Baptisms are held in English and Spanish. There are no Baptisms scheduled during Advent or Lent. Please call the Rectory to schedule. Marriage

Arrangements should begin by setting a date with one of the priests ONE YEAR before the wedding.

Sacraments for the Sick

Please notify the parish office if someone is ill at home or in the hospital.


Saturdays from 4:00-5:00 p.m. outside, or call the parish office for an appointment. Please note that masks are required. Faith Formation Classes

A program for children who don’t attend Catholic school, Faith Formation classes incorporate lessons and liturgies to continue the faith building that parents began with their child’s Baptism. Classes will be held virtually until further notice.

Grades K-8, Wednesdays 4-5:30 Confirmation-see schedule

Please Send Bulletin Notices to:

Notices should be sent by Noon on Mondays

Served By

Fr. Joseph D’Amico, Pastor Fr. Danny Pabon, Parochial Vicar Deacon Roland Bianchi

Deacon Larry Bonnemère Deacon Kevin Regan

Michelle Bivins, Director of Religious Education

Robin Bado, Youth Minister/Local Safe Environment Coordinator Mr. Iouri Grichetchkine, Director of Music

PParish Pastoral Council

Maritza Collins (Chair), Yvette Beasley (Secretary), Joanne Antinoro, Blanca Cofino, Ron Deblasio, Jorge Giraldo, Claudia Montoya, Mary Reilly, Ding Valones

Mass Schedule

Saturday evening: 5:00 p.m.

Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. (Family Mass), 1:00 p.m. (Mass in Spanish), and 7:00 p.m. (suspended until further notice)

Daily: 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days of Obligation: Vigil Mass: 7:00 p.m.

Holy Day: 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Special Devotions

Rosary: Daily after 8:30 a.m. Mass Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:


Page Two February 21, 2021-The First Sunday in Lent


8:30 am- † Max Gomes- 5th Anniversary in Heaven req. by Carol Gomes 5:00 pm-† Hank Lloyd requested by June Saunders

SUNDAY, February 21 -1st Sunday in Lent

8:00 am--† James White requested by Mary Reilly 10:00 am-† Casiano Trivino Sr.

11:30 am-† Medina Gallardo requested by Maria Carrillo 1:00 pm--† Teresa Sanchez requested by Olga Ramirez

MONDAY, February 22-Feast of the Chair of St. Peter

8:30 am-† Mary Wall Bellotti- Birthday remembrance requested by The Mann Family

TUESDAY, February 23-Memorial of St. Polycarp

8:30 am-† Clara de Perex requested by Maritza Collins

WEDNESDAY, February 24

8:30 am-† Camille K. Mason requested by Her loving mother

THURSDAY, February 25

8:30 am-† Michael Andrew Glowski requested by The Glowski Family

FRIDAY, February 26

8:30 am-† Geraldo Pabon

SATURDAY, February 27

8:30 am - † Geraldo Pabon 5:00 pm-Living and Deceased Members of St. Anastasia’s Parish

SUNDAY, February 28-2nd Sunday of Lent

8:00 am-† Geraldo Pabon

10:00 am-† Mavis & Joseph Williams requested by Joyce McDonald 11:30 am-† Alex Babia requested by His loving family 1:00 pm-† En accion de gracias a San Antonio (In Thanksgiving)


Sunday, February 7 was $5512. Thank you for your continuing generosity.

Did you know that you can also make your pledge via our new parish app? Simply use your phone’s browser and go to “,” download the app and select St. Anastasia as your parish. This app also has many other features which can enhance your faith life and strengthen your connection to parish life.


Sunday Gn 9:8-15; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15

Monday 1 Pt 5:1-4; Mt 16:13-19

Tuesday Is 55:10-11; Mt 6:7-15

Wednesday Jon 3:1-10; Lk 11:29-32

Thursday Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Mt 7:7-12

Friday Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26

Saturday Dt 26:16-19; Mt 5:43-48

Those who have died: Gerardo Pabon- uncle of Father Danny, Cary Sylvester Williams- brother of Mildred Smith

The sick: Lucelina Andujar, Rosalia Andujar, Bernice Augustine, Catherine Baker, Clare Baker, Amanda Barreto, Andrew Beebe, Senora Bennett, Richard K. Betts, Daniel Bisogno, Eugene Bovino, Phyllis Breit, Fr. Hugh Brown, O. Carm., Andrew Bruno, Denise Campbell, Jennifer Campbell, Susan Carter, Maria Caratozzli, Ray Cassidy, Fernando Castro, Frances Chaurtrand, Eric A. Cinotti, Laura Cofino, Jose (Joey) Colon, Ruby Davis, Stephanie Davis, Dawn Davison, Anne De Carlo, Serge Delinois, Antoinetta Dinardo, Margaret Fleming, Humberto Figuera, Fr. Dominic Fuccili, Eileen Gable, Virginia Gagliostro, Frances Gonzalez, Joan Grande, Patti Grasso, Evelyn Halpin, Sara Hasan, Delores Weirth Hinkson, Alayna Holmes, Meaghan Hobson, Becky Iovino, Robert Jackson, Maryann Jeffers, Robert Johnson, Antoinette Jones, Sheila Kelly, Bridie Kennedy, Bill Kesser, Kurt Kroner, Christophe Lafontant, Bruce Libutti, Estrella Lomboy, Rosemary Luck, James Lynch, Cathy Magnotti, Grace Magsino, Zenaida Marcial, Angelica Lopez Marin, Josephine Marshall, William Marshall, David Martinez, Marquetta McGee, Leaura Materassi, Nitza Barreto-McGill, John Ralph Morales, Michelle Moultrie, Marilyn Mullins, Lillian Munier, Denise Muniz, McKenna Murray, Louise Nicolich, Katherine Nolan, Diane Novinger, Mary Nunes, Travis Nunes, Ana Maria O’Connor, Marilyn Ollivierre, Luchie Ona, Sellia Pagan, Carol Paladino, Fr. Abraham Palakudy, Mary Terese Pasquale, Riselda Pineda, Mark Pollack, Toni Preziosi, Carol Rachesky, Daisey Ramos, Barbara Reichert, Craig Reichert, Justino Rivera, Emerita Rivera, Gerard S. Roberts, Joren Roberts, Marybeth Roberts, Maya Roberts, Shavona Robinson, Milagros Robledo, Giovanna Rocha, Didalina Rodriguez, Edilberto Rodriguez, Jesica Rodriguez, Martha Rosado, Anne Marie Rotondi, Edward Rotondi, Taryn Rotondi, Rodrigo Salazar, Ignacio Santos, John Shallow, Navpej Singh, Keith Smet, Frances Smith, Maxine Smype, Maureen Taff, Rose Thorne, Anika Trinidad, Patricia Tull, Raymond Turi, Susan Tuttle, Anne Vaccaro, Brandon Valmores, Elsa Venticinque, Maverick Wenrich, Benjamin Williams, Louise Williams, Billy Wirth, Millie Zampardi and their caregivers.

Our men and women serving in the military: Mark Davison, Sr., Mark Davison, Jr., Carlos Delavilla, Bryan Ferrara, Alex Fries, Josh Matthews, Dan O’Neill, and Nicholas Simoni


Effective immediately, our online mass program will no longer accept payments by credit card. The service is being discontinued because we are charged a monthly

bank fee for the convenience, so it ends up being a lose-lose situation. Sorry for any inconvenience. If you would like a to buy a Mass card, A volunteer will

be in the office from 9:00 AM- 12 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.


February 21, 2021-The First Sunday in Lent Page Three


5:00 PM Mary DeMarco Mary DeMarco

8:00 AM Ding Valones Lisa Rehm

10:00 AM Laura Dietrich Laura Dietrich

11:30 AM George Stahl George Stahl

1:00 PM Clara Fournier Clara Fournier

Mass-- Reading #1 Reading #2

St. Anastasia’s Black Catholic Committee Celebrating Black History Month Would like you to meet

Wilton Cardinal Gregory

Wilton Cardinal Gregory is a native of Chicago, Illinois. He was educated in the catholic tradition from grammar school all the way through thesemi-nary. After being ordained on May 9, 1973, he went onto his graduate work at Sant’Anselmo in Rome also known as the Pontifical Liturgical Institute.

Wilton went on to serve in Glenview, Illinois at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish as an associate

pastor. He was also on the faculty of the same seminary where he was trained. He served as master of ceremonies to Cardinals Joseph Bernadin and John Cody. On December 13, 1983 he was ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago; serving this role until 1994, when he was the seventh Bishop of the Diocese of Belleville, Illinois. After serving in this position for eleven years he was elevated to the position of Archbishop in 2004.

Wilton continued in the role of Archbishop of Atlanta until 2019, when he was appointed Archbishop of Washington. In 2020 he rose to the rank of Cardinal and was admitted to the College of Cardinals in the Consistory of Rome by Pope Francis.

Cardinal Gregory has served in numerous leadership roles in the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). He has been part of their Administrative and Executive committees and was also president 2001. He has written and published pastoral statements on controversial subjects such as social and criminal justice and euthanasia. Much of his work that is published in African American

community focuses on the area of liturgy. Cardinal Gregory is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immac-ulate Conception as well as the Chancellor of The Catholic University of America.

Although he earned his doctorate early in his career, he has been awarded numerous honorary degrees. They range from the areas of Humane Letters, Theology, the Humanities and the Sword of Loyola. He even received an honorary Law Degree from Notre Dame University in 2012. Rounding out his honors in 2006, he was inducted into the Martin Luther King Jr. Board of Preachers at Morehouse College. Morehouse is the preeminent men’s Historically Black College & University (HBCU) in Atlanta.


The book for February 2021 is All is Grace: A Biography of Dorothy Day by Jim Forest. From a review, “Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker movement, and one of the most

prophetic voices in the American Catholic church, has recently been proposed as a candidate for canonization. In this lavishly illustrated biography, Jim Forest provides a compelling portrait of her heroic efforts to live out the radical message of the gospel for our time. A journalist and social reformer in her youth, Day surprised her friends with the decision in 1927 to enter the Catholic church. Her conversion, prompted by the birth out of wedlock of her daughter Tamar left her searching for some way to reconcile her faith with her commitment to the poor and social justice.” Does anyone think of St. Augustine, “Lord, make me chaste, but not

yet?” Isn’t it strange how the Holy Spirit works? We will discuss this book via Zoom on Friday February 26 at 10:00 am. A few copies of the book (print and Kindle) are available in BCCLS. Copies of the book are available from Amazon, as well. Please join us for a discussion of this book. As always, our aim is to improve our understanding of our faith.







The Catholic Studies Program at Seton Hall University is pleased to invite students to participate in its annual Catholic High School Essay

Contest. The competition is open to all students enrolled in grades 9-12 in New Jersey Catholic high

schools. This year’s essay contest is focused on the theme of friendship. High School Essay Contest. The author of the winning essay will receive a $300

gift card and certificate, and the two runners-up will each receive a $150 gift card and certificate. All three winners will be honored at the annual Catholic Studies Honor Society induction and

reception at Seton Hall University on April 29, at 5 p.m. in the Chapel of Immaculate Conception. Students will be allowed to bring two guests to the reception, the three winning essays will also appear in the magazine Arcadia: A Student Journal for Faith

and Culture, which is published by the Catholic Studies Program.

For more information visit the website at




(this is a partial list)

Donor Family In Memory Of

Adair Barbara Ross

Agas Luciano Baylon, Constantino &

Grace Agas, Audie, Nikki, Dana,

Allison & Melissa Trinidad

Agas Deceased members of the Agas/

Ballocanag families

Antinoro Rose & Charles Antinoro

Baker The Heubel Family

Barbour Charles Barbour

Beasley Geraldine & Carolyn France,

Georgianna Vaughn, Kevin

Smith, Cleo Dendy & Bernice


Berdan William N. Berdan Jr.

Berdan Alice B. Berdan

Bianchi Bianchi/Parentini Families

Bivins Janice Munn & Armentra Bivins

Bonito & Creange Anna Campo, Nancy Spinella

Bonnemere The Bonnemere & Wallace


Buldo Buldo & Sohmer Family

Butterworth Butterworth Family

Campbell Hylton & Mavis Campbell,

Louise Weir

Carrillo Honorata Carrillo

Castro Tan & Castro Families

Coleman Perry J. Damian

Collins Blanche C. Pérez

Considine Douglas J. Considine

Corrigan John Corrigan Jr.

Corrigan John & Lucille Corrigan

Cromwell Kjane Borde

Cuff Dorothy & Jim Cuff

D'Angelo D' Angelo & Siclari Family

Davis Cloria Davis

Dazle Winifred White

Delinois Joseph & Victoire Jacques

Deluccli Teresa Delucchi, Giula &

Giuseppe Laezza

Dietrich J E Dietrich, Leo & Barbara


Estoesta Julian Estoesta Sr.

Ferrall Nikolaus Elsner, Gertrud Elsner,

Margareta Elsner, Victor &

Lucile Ferrall, Florence Yahr

Glowski Michael Glowski

Gori Linda Hess

Graham Rita & Nicholas Pancza

Green Julia & John O'Donnell

Gregoire Deceased members of the

Gregoire, Duffoo, Narcisse,

Ade & Charles families

Hadnot Marzloff, Draeger Families

Hennessy Hennessy/Neuwirth Families


Donor Family In Memory Of

Iaconetti Iaconetti Family

Jackson Deborah Oglesby

Jones Lucille & Arthur Stubbs

Joy Deceased members of

Lubrano & Joy Families

Julian Rocco L. Julian

Julian Rudolph Heyward

Kearns The Kearns/Meyer/Hebrank/


Archbishop Willinger Families

Krim Alice R. Krim, Genevieve


Krupinski Philomena Meoca

Lamptey Annie Wilson Family

Leyva Layva Family

Madayag Madayag & Obispo

Deceased Family Members

Mahoney Deceased Members of the

Lynch and Mahoney Families

Mann Louis and Dolores Violich, Mary

Wall Bellotti, Rachel Bartoletta,

Joyce Essner McElroy,

Eileen De Micco

Marbury Giles & Anita Marbury,

Willie Smith Jr.

The remainder of Christmas Flower Doations will be published in a future bulletin.


February ___, 2021

Dear Friend,

I trust that this letter finds you well. I wanted to

take a moment to express my sincere thanks for

your generosity to the 2021 Annual

Appeal. Your gift is a testament to your

stewardship and solidarity with the mission of

our parish and our Archdiocese. I am grateful for

your support.

In good times and uncertain times, it gives me

great solace to know that there are so many

parishioners willing to share their gifts of time,

talent, and treasure in service to God and

neighbor. Thank you for all you do to make our

parish a vibrant faith community in word and

deed. Your gift will have a lasting impact in the

lives served by the programs and ministries who

benefit from this annual campaign.

Please be assured of my continued prayers for

you and your loved ones. Please pray for me.


___ de febrero de 2021

Querido (a) Amigo (a),

Confío en que esta carta te encuentre bien.

Quería tomarme un momento para expresarle

mi más sincero agradecimiento por su

generosidad con la Campaña Anual 2021. Su

donación es un testimonio de su

corresponsabilidad y solidaridad con la misión

de nuestra parroquia y nuestra Arquidiócesis. Le

agradezco su apoyo.

En tiempos buenos y tiempos inciertos, me da

un gran consuelo saber que hay tantos

feligreses dispuestos a compartir sus dones de

tiempo, talento y tesoro en servicio a Dios y al

prójimo. Gracias por todo lo que haces para

hacer de nuestra parroquia una comunidad de

fe vibrante de palabra y obra. Su donación

tendrá un impacto duradero en las vidas de

aquellos que se benefician de los programas y

ministerios de esta campaña anual.

Tenga la seguridad de mis continuas oraciones

por usted y sus seres queridos. Por favor, reza

por mí.


A Message from Our Pastor

Mensaje de Nuestro Pastor

Annual Appeal Progress: 2021 Annual Appeal

The 2021 Annual Appeal is well underway. We have $810 already pledged toward our goal of $52,823.00 . The outpouring of support from many parishioners like you helps sustain the important ministries across the Archdiocese of Newark. These programs help to make our own parish a more vibrant place of worship. If you have yet to give, please pick up a pledge form at the back of the church or visit Thank you for your prayers and support.


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Church of St. Anastasia (2024)


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.