The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)


23 MISCELIiANEOTJS FOR SALE. 21 RAli ESTATE FOR SALE (Conrtuitad Froci Preceding Pago.) I Oaoollne. CSeanUp'Sale of Used Car's Priced to Move Them Wo have thefollow-lng used cat's In our slock that we Wish to move in order to re-duco our stock and. make room for additional cars that wo are trading in continually. They havo all beon repriced and represent exceptional values.

If you are Interested, phone or call in and try tho car that appeals to you. Terms can be1 arranged. i Open evenings. 1 NATIONAL 1918 Four-paenger. coupe.

Thin car I. In (rood condition mo- chanlcalty and the upholstering. nnlRh and tlrea aro alao In good condition. COLE 8 chummv road-ater: moter recently overhauUd: repainted throughout: irood cord car In very good mechanical condition. MOON TOURING Ronnlahcd, Continental Rod Seal motor; good mechanical condition; good cord tlrea.

MONROE 1920 Touring: very rood condition mechanically; repainted; good cord MAXWELL 1920 Touring: very good mechanical condition; rednlshed; good cord tlrea. PATTERSON TOURING Rollnlahed; Continental Rod Seal motor; good mechanical condition. OVERLAND 90 Four-pansenger; reflnlahad: food running condition. A real NATIONAL roadatert Continental Red Seal1 motor; good paint and now LEWIS TOURING, $125 MAXWELL In running condition; needs aomo repair; 176. FORD TOURING With winter lop; 115.

National Automotive Company M1YWV.I.I, ROADSTER. lBlfl NORTH UVi.lbAnu OAIjCB inn nntrtil. KEnwood 1702. iriYWRl.1, laurintr. 3 months old; rnndltlnn.

with extraji. Masiors, mo it. j.unnoj'i vu.ui. umcoia 4371. MAXWEUj, 1830: this oar has-bsan rebuilt and Guaranteed to run lllto new; torms.

Ulloy 134. Monroe Touring. $100 down: Jn flne shnps. 113 N. IHInols st.

MONHOE TOUKING CARS 200.00 AND UP I All model to pick from; traded In ea aew Overhauled and reantahtd, t.ady to drlv. away. Payments if Desired Open Evenings Monroe Motors Corporation E. New York Monroe, 1920, Touring $325.. Absoluts perfect condition; six tires.

By owner. Phone MAIn 57.92. NASH tourlnir. tn flno condition; looks like now: a real bargain. 103a Gasoline.

A SPECIAL DISPLAY USED CARS In our salesi'oom at 408 N. Capitol for the week beginning Oct. 2. Open Nigltt Naah six oylindop. roadster, 1020 series.

Oakland 1919 series. touring, Mitchell five-passenger touring, 1921 series, ti National' sedan A-l condition. In Ford series. eteupo, 1922 Buick four cylinder touring, 1918. Dodge Sedan, ro-painted; good mechanical condition.

Dodge a 1920 series. Dodge touring, wire wheels, 1921 series. Patterson 5-passen-ger touring, 1920 series. CASH OFS EASY TERMS LoseyNash Retail Co. 400 N.

Capitol MAin 3348. Car Oct. 2 to Oct. 8 nOADHTBnS TO SELL AS LOW AS 50. TOUIUNOS TO SELL AS LOW AS 1100.


See Harold Hsncook. FORD aedan. 1331; a barcalu at H00: can arranKD loriuo. an uwut, ivi. n.

ttent nt. tn9. taurinir! starter, 'demount. allies. IOCK wneei; amy ou uuy.

uiu, tiau. 11 ntlolpn BD31H Lan arrans. I crmn. FORD sedan, In perfect condition; 5115 aown; VV uiyn wren aarviua. wjiou u.u- n.nss.

33C N. Pennsylvania st. FORD roadster, -1930. model: starter demountable rims: 335 terms. II, WALLBIIXCK COMPANY.

833 N. Morid. FORD roadster; fine runnlnw condition; only J100. C. H.

WALLBRICH COM- PANY. 133 Meridian. FORD coupe, Ulto new; must be sold at onco; a rem prin. wo onomy. FORD tourlnr.

1933: excellent ehapo; prl vate owner. wtinmcr onan. FORD roadster, 1031; tine condition; bar- train. noipy. FORD, 1917 model; new top.

west oi npennwuy. FRANKLIN edan, late moaol; looko like new. J. v. u.rniie.

OARDNER sedan; practically new, driven throughout. Torms If desired or trado. 1. 8. sport model, Sorles 3.

J. V. Lines, at Plata Garage. Hudson Tourinir This car Is In excellent mechanical nn iiit inn' has a very anaoDV motor, five tires and enubbers. A bar (rain tor some ono at R.

Law Motor 1225 N. Meridian at, Itnhullt Car Dent. Payments; HUDSON SUPER. Model- II; flvo cord tires, Just completely overhauled, new uatiory, rnnmiur, mi "Hi. kiivuv.

1717 Plersonaye. RAndolph 7145. Jordan 6 Sport Model Needs 'llttlo Here Is a chance for mechanic to securo a eh cradu used car ut a small cost. Cash, payments or AUTO Slo N. Hltnols.

KISSEL convertible seuan; excellent slmpo: COra ureal. i ui iji nun. backer, distributer. 1001 Meridian st. 27 BUSINESS nabhI a Household Good.

MAHOGANY tight nanes, SI. 25; wire lamp av imein nas. MAHOOANV daveno nnd two chairs; good condition; 130. WKbster 9631. OFFICH FURNITURE, big selection: roll, drophead mid Mnrtdlng dcalis, letter tn files, elixirs, In flrst-clnss condition, at bargain nrlces.

UspiI Oooils more 474 Mass, ftve. Stoves of All Kinds, New and Used Scap laundrr stove nnn-, 4-cap laundry stove fnew), t.4( cub for our 3-room outfits. 195.78 Virginia ave. DRexel OUT. STAVES, used tiut In perfoct condition: run ires, 10 and uu: coal ranees, healers, ttaseburners.

Charles Koohrlnir. Virginia avi-. DHfir-I P400. Market Morning Sale. Today till noon at Furniture Repair corner Alabama mid New Tree delivery.

UrenstTS. beds, ennorts. ldtrhen cnblncta. sideboard dav chairs, easy rhnlrs and roclterf, half second-hand More prices! SPECIAL neautlful velvet carpet, hall and stair runner, It. 45 yard.

DORFMAN RUG CO. 507 W. Washington, opposite Btateliouae, "If It covers a floor, we have It." $25 Furnishes a Hoom Let of good furnltura taken In payment repair hills sold at cost to get out money quickly. Call this roomfnc till noon at our new location FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP. 234 N.

Alabama. Sale Worth While At the price are selling our goods, they will not last long. Come early und a t.nrnnln Board's Furniture Exchange Mass. ave. 407 N.

Alabama. MAIn 66D3. Florence hot blast heater. ICO one Mouei COOK move, iikw new, i-enmi as rtinge, sllchlly usd: on! MrDnugall Kiicntm cauinei, ouu cinnerouo. uui ii.

Kast at. SALE ono mlBflon dining room suite, ono davenport table, one bed davenport and oro kitchen cublnot. Thono IlAndoph WlirrE BNAMBL, Quick Meal gas Must be fhUl tcday. Automatlu ro-frlnerator. Party leaving city.

RAn- rlolpli 038 4. TWENTY-NINTH. 5M flvo rooms, modern, urnlnhcd piano playor, vacuum sweeper, washing machine, irnrase; rof I'ltoxel S3 13. FLOOR new, hand -hammered wrought lion, Mcaluun make, chtfap. Cull WKbutcr 147 TAKE In your old furniture, on iifw.

Albert Hutchinson. 31 3-1 ti Virginia ave. nnxei style IJntrolt Jewel 4-hurnor gaa utovc, with right-hand oven, good condl-llon. Ashlngton. 450.

Coul, Ico nnd Wood. HIGH-ORADB Indiana CSK I7.C0 H.00 8.2JS West IlllnoU lump, large forked 8.60 Best Braill block, large forked 10.00 Debt Virginia egg. clfan Mrked 11.00 Kindling with each toif. Delivered anywhere In the rlty. UNION ICE AND COAL DRexel .120.

pTewart Coal Coal INDIANA EOO. INDIANA LUMP-WEST VIRGINIA SPLINT. Active Coal Co. Circle 7012 LIMITED SUPPLY West Virginia lump. 111.00.

lloosicr Brick and Coal Co. WEhnter 9381.. INDIANA tnlnu run ifiTEO Indiana lump -60 Illinois lump 8-7 American Coal Co. HAndolph0927. Virginia $1 iTOO HITZELBERGBR FUEL AND SUPPLY COMPANY.

RAndolph 8600. GREAT, big," clean Illinois lump, 18.60 per ton. For Immediate delivery. BARRETT COAL MA In 34C0. 419 B.

Ken ate. INDIANA lump 11,00 Illlnolu lump $8,36 MERIDIAN COAL Lincoln 6237. Lincoln 6337. Clothing. TWO evening drosses, one brocaded gold cloth, onu silver cloth, slzo 42.

Call MA1" B803. Apt. 40'J; TWO, SUITS and overcoats. IIArrl- son U37D. SKUNK COLLAR.

4D87Carrollton nvo. HUmbo1dt36D4. FULL 'DRESS miitslzo i'UZhi OliygOj A pi. tl. RAndolph tl-" Musicul Instruments.

Ellington Manualo Practically now; a big bargain at 1571 easy payments. E. L. Lennox Piano Co. 2.17 N.

Pennsylvania st. COLUMBIA grafonola. mnhogany, like new. $du, incinuing -u recorua. ie 0578.

PLAYER piano, nlano na nart Df iVAshlnnton NEW 8225 phonograph with dance records at a big saving, cle IPSO. VICTROLA apd fourteon records for 110; Jatest music. Ahargaln. 121 West st. EUREKA electric cleaner, a good an new, with all attachments.

135. WEb. 2353. real bargain; easy pay- lilt; nts, PLAYER good as 102i n. amaii work Pet pud Livu dtock.

SPECIAL PRICES. Red Comb scratch. 12.40 per 100. por 1UU. tiMllolllll Hn 2712 E.

Washington. BRookaldg 1530. ALL DonldB und sltllo harsea munt uold by coming Monday, regard lees of price. Bennet Jacobs, Rlvursldo pony Jcbsup, Plalnllcld, Ind. Phone GOOD, wound Jersey cawo; reasonable.

WAshington 4B4i, Ring 1. ROSE COMB WHITE WYANDOTTE3I reasonable, IRvlngton 1645. FOR SALE. DItuxel 3008. trade.

FOR HALE Ellglblo Alredalo puppletf, III mm tia, uuo. j(, turpny, jjincom, inu. YOUNG malo and femalo canaries; guar- anieca lungers; reitsonubio. WEbster 74H3, PAIR ot black horsce, harness' und' dump -an ftBinngton. CANARIES, wonderful songsters.

E. WaHh. L. II. Edwards.

Circle 1888. -Miscellaneous SURPLUS ARMY MERCHANDISE Teme, tarpaulins, wagon covers, all SUCH, Wo can furnish you overy slse 5 118 liirR() ao Contractors Equipment npadi'H. All nixes or manlla rones, ool grttideis, rocnnir paper, belt ng torges, anvils, an.itcli blocl h. rakes nulls und all sIzph of wire spikes. M.

L. Goldberg Son UATHRUOM complete, my. Konier enarosl E. M. Hardin K.

Michigan. ROILEIts. en Wi'lJi motors and i MACHINE COT, 4 Fort Wayne ave. mJ( pumps. Ain 7833, DIAMOND, I karat, blue white, set lii Udys white gold mounting very fin" bRrta "lid at once.

KAn- i. SlNflLE- INfJ. 1 VKAa or FAIR, DEAL-FLEUHY ELECTRIC. iH MASS, AVg. rAIIt rtoalln fheipk mora tnau ir uth.

"snla VlBP Co" B' PBOijl. A(lllriHK ln-w lm " TMVit tt. VV: strong. Crutches. 2Se par uo MI1UB.

2 OuolJne. Fi-pm the House' That Service Built Our Usccf Car stock is being rapidly depleted. We still have about 35 good cars on' hand which wo must move, before winter. Come in and make your selection now, 1919 $165 1918 Sedan 1921 Sedan, repainted $450 1921, Touring $285 1920 Touring 1919 Touring 1920 Touring 1915 Roadster 1921 Roadster 1919' Ton Truck 1920 Ton Truck. Ton Truck chassis, good condition 1920 Open Terms or Trade 62fNardtCapftalJfoo JN4i4 Authorized Ford, Fordson and Lincoln Dealers.

OPEN EVENINGS NEW AND I8ED "Appreciated: Service" We have a few excellent bargains in used cars. One 1922 speedster that is a real bargain, priced cheap for quick sale. Auto Co. Authorized Ford, Fordson and Lincoln Dealers. Call RAndolph 6260 2906 Northwestern Ave.

"OUR SERVICE IS YOUR ECONOMY" Our used "carB are In good running condition nnd- worth tha money. Try us. CASII OR TERMS. Dealers In Lincoln Motor Cars. FOOTS CAR AND TRACTOR SALES CO.

SS Y. Mlcblsan st. BEImont 033(. BEImont 3017, CLOSED SUNDAY. Fords New Fords Used Liberal Payment Plan.

Olin-Wilmeth Inc. Formerly OUn Sales Ino. "Authorized Ford Dealers" 611-13-15 N. Meridian. FORD roadster.

1921: starter. demount. utiles; came out in August; uriven 7,000 miles, Has spoedoineter, dnsti light and 10 OK ivneci. uurKom hi JOtf. HAROLD HANCOCK, 5436 E.


PRICES 830 ijija wamiu nr. uirce a vti. FORD sedan, good condition, good cord NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE COMPANY 990 N. Meridian. MAln 6983.

FORD touring, 1922 starter, demount' able. Losler wheel) car runs like new; ISSo" 6439 E. Washington st. See Han-cook. Fords WW nAVB ALL and AN 8TTLES.

WILL TRAD MAKE CJAR OR TO AT A. A VINOS, Sii RPBA11L. MAIn 3107. FORD tourlnr, 191St very good condition; Vfifi. Mnlmtlon et.

DReiel 7990. t- IB SO: itood condition! ton and tlresi ,53001 9100 down, bmlanoo onft year. We ssman, 912-314 E. New York St. MAln 4449, Thirty days' free service.

FORD coups, 1930; beat of condition, with Decker wheel; 1278, Bee Hancock. 5481 B. Washington St. FORD coupe. 1931; runs and looks like' CaSiI ior Ait fooaa.

cioimng, she stocks. A. Weil. 9 E. Fear I Clneli- ntti.

u. TOU WANT TO OKT IN OR OUT OP 610 LOMBARD DLDO. MAln 6330. TWELVE-ROOM rooming house; good eon- anion; rent reasonanio. uvi AUTOMOBILES FOR BALE.

a Electric. MILBUBN ELECTRIC 1018 model; is In perfect condition; now battery. Has been driven less than 4,000 miles; cord tires. A real bargain. Will consider trado on gas car.

Lexington Motor Sales 1142 N. Meridian St. CIr. 8200. Model Mllburn electric, has been riven vw inura.

ooni jenr i and looks ns good as tho day It was purchased. Will sell at bargain. Bulck Bales Frankfort. Xnd. Phone 368.

HICIH-ORADB used etQitic-. Cheap. 1033 N. Meridian bL Riley 1181. Gasoline.

Buick Coupe (s In perfect condition nd la aa silent as most now cars. Price 1660. i R. V. Law Motor Co.

122S N. Meridian nt. Rebuilt Car Department. Pay ants. No brokerage.

BUICK 8 touring, Chalmers roadster, both cars run very nine anu nave original paint ana tne ncsi ouys in me city, Lines, at Plata Garage. Buick Qt 1919 Hoadster Two bumpers, motometer: bargain; terms or trade. Bl N. Illinois. cylinder.

1123 Cadillac Sedan Model 55, 1917, new tires and A-l condition mechan ically. Wonderful bargain at Nordyke Marmon Local Branch 11th and Morldian. fiallfornln ton. Bent bargain in rltv. Mr.

Ryan. Riley 1311. Lincoln 4220. 1033 in. loriuian st.

CADILLAC roadster. C5: aaud tires, nalnt. porfect condition throughout. It! ley 1381. 1913 CADILLAC.

Flve-passcnger touring. In fair running conajwou; very cnnii. Call KEnwood 225S before noon, CHALMERS live passenger, 1919; first ciass. nee it at garage, jjzi n. Illinois.

CHEVROLET Sales, Service, Parts. 1921 Chevrolet, 4-90 touring; $300. 1918 Maxwell touring, overhauled, now lalnt. A bargain. 8260.

Chalmers, 7-possenger touring: 8300. 1918 Chevrolet, 4-90 touring; II CO. South Side Chevrolet Dealers. H. L.

JEHKINS SALES CCs 233-37 Virginia ave. CHEVROLET touring, 1923 Superior 490; run 1,600 miles. Can bo purchased at a groat saving over new price; new car guarantee. 843 N. CAPITOL.

CHEVROLET F. E. roadster, 1922; refm-Ished: thoroughly overhauled! will check up with a now car; 1240 down balance 12 months. 343 N. CAPITOL.

CHEVROLET 8, 1920 touring; 8-eylln-der; 8260. 6433 E. Harold Hancock. 1118 CHEVROLET sedan; paint and tires good. This car Is real buy.

BIVIN-OVERLAND 968 N. Meridian st. Open evenings. CHEVROLET Baby Grand; new top, good tire; neorln Inst n. llttlo work.

For auletc sale 876. 1834 Pleasant Run blvd. Take Sho by car. CHEVROLET sedan, 1923; only 30 days old. A big bargain.

Indlanapois Auto Sales, 236 N. Pennsylvania. Open evenings. 10 Cndlllnn taurine. 8076.

1917 Cadillac roadster, 8676. 1919 Jordan touring, diss wheels, 8775, 1922 Olds roadster, 8776. 1910 Hudson touring, $676. 28 E. Fourteenth st.

COLES We have several new Colo Aero 8s, Inclosed And touring cars. Will trade or sell at a saving. FRANK S. FEESER 1033 Shelby. tiAw ton.

now nalnt. factorv overhnulBrt car looks and runs like new. Best buy in city. Mr. Ryan.

1033 N. Merldlon. COLE Aero 8, 1920, seveii-pussanger tour ing demonstrator, periect mecnanicai oon-dltlon; looks like new. Circle 6770. Dodge Roadster California top, 1920, new overaizo tires, bumpers, front and rear; top llglit; many other extras.

Bargain, 1 0 down. Lexington Motor Sales 1142 North Meridian St. Circle 8200. 1920 Dodge Sedan A-l condition throughout. Prlco right, Detroit Electric Sales Co.

084 N. Morldian st. Dodge, .1920. Flret-cliuis mechanical condition, runs and look, like now; bnrffaln at tormn or trado. 316-311 N.

Illinois DOpOD roadster, late 1019 model: excellent mechanical condition; good Urea; top. HUitaoiB ior winter driving DODGE BROTHERS 1818 touring; In fine condition; good tiros; 8375; terms, a H. WALL-RICH COMPANY, 833N. RIer. DOuub DKUTHEiiB touring; nno running conaiiionijffuu ihcbi ijy M.qj terms.

U. L8i3N'Men nnndB touring, new cord Urea, new haV once. IIS ti. AlBTKOl Bl, DODOK touring car. 1MB: A-l condition.

IRvlngton 41 SC. Ask for Moreland. Dodge Sedan, 5205 Needs little work; terms. 6m N. Ill many etraa, iiiMPiriR mwly nainted: In good mmii tlnn.

Kor sale or trade on vacant lot, Wr.DSlBr num. FORD sedan, 1021: bouuhi in Aitr.ii.. doulye llaaslur eli'oelii many other exlraa. $600 cash or terms! vnitD aedan, 1017; S3C0; Sioa down h.i ance ood terms. Wolssman.

13-214 E. New iorit i iiiiny aays FORD SEDAN, 19SU; SBTbj demountable rimy, oiunnr. USED CAR MARKET 5 6 fl.61 Capitol, corner North st. FORD, 1130 tounniti starter; In nrat-olaas year. weisaina.n, vj, new zoric MAln tniny unyo rw iimca.

vnnn tniirlnir. new top and hoster(n. motor thoroughly overhauled. wur saenncfli uuwm, vmn ance to eulL T'ORD ROADSTER, 1018: S0. HAROLD HANCOCK.

6430 E. Washington st. FORD roadster, 1830: starter, in A-l con inn itflO! 1 100 down, balanea tuiiv. months. Welssman, 212-3J4 E.

New York St. Ain mw. iuny "u) irnii gervice. FORD louring, 1930; starter, lock whee mochanicaiiy nflriwci, wiaa casu traoa. 'sy.

FORD RACE OARl high-grade 'Speedway Special: fastest In the state. V. Lines, l'iaa FORD touring, new July, Hauler hock absorbers, lock wheel, many ex A-l condition, is h. Hitter. FORD sedan, 1931: shock absorbers, Jock uric.

LOMAX. MA la 7479. OROCKny STORE! nnd meat market, irlih living rooms) the best In the city for $1,100: eome term If desired. A. A.

BARNEfl SALES 1 COMPANY. GROCERY nnd nieat. meats. 1000 woeklr cash nusinees; rent in nervlce furnlshnd. rent 4G; heat, water, janitor irnlshnd.

Will trade or scire O. E. Treaco A 610 Lombard GROCERY and meats. you want to buy sell, see "Mr. Smith, the Grocery Man." E.

Treace ft 610 Lombard Wdg. MAln mo. GROCERY, meat market nnd Jiving rooms. Bargain If sold this week. Call Riley UUOCBRV and meats: doing 1360 cash nnd carry a wcolt; clean stock: Lincoln 1210.

GROCERY Cash and carry: weekly sales izoo. Price; terms, wood, 141 N. Delaware. GROCERY Beat section north! dolng-tjOO with nr wlthntlt rnnmii! 11.800. dlana BuslneMEchahttj lOl fii t.

on no. i mm. you want to Clrcift 83Bi GROCERY, east; modern: weekly cash sales over 1500. Wood, 148 N. Delaware.

HOTEL. Indiana, 30 rooms, commercial city of eubrent overpay rent by 1300 monthly. Wonderful opportunity for 112,000 cash end torms. Write for data. INDIANA HOTEL BROKERS.

National City Batik. IndlanapollH. Ind. cash New nest buy In town; terms. Owner.

MEAT MARKET: weekly rash rncolpts 1450. Owner already In other business. Will sacrifice. O. E.

Treaco A 610 I-ombard bldg. NEWSPAPER and jod printing1 oMlco In good little northern Indiana town. Price 11.000. Address AX No. 1637.

Htar. POOL ROOM nnd harbor shop. 7 tables, 3 chairs; doing flno buslncna. Priced to Roll. Indiana.

Business Exchanrto, Gil inu. iruwi REHTAURANT and boardlnc house, opposite onti of tha largest Industrial plants it, a i-llv- tl rnntnit 1 itnm frrtntM. 2 kitchens, and doing wonderful ncss. real buy nt 11.600. Will atand RESTAURANT, downtown location: one tho best In the city; must sell this week might accept aomo property or grocery store In exchnnge.

A. A. BARNES HALES COMPANY. 1110 Odd Fellow bldg; RESTAURANT Factory district, clearing month: living rooms. Yours for 1650..

Indiana Business Exchange, fill Ind. Trust, RESTAURANT, Ideal location, rcasonabli rent; good lease: rlears ,15,000 yeur; suitable for man and wife with (2,000. Indl-ana Bualnens Exchange, 611 Ind. Trust. EST A A NT I you want to sell or buy.

our Mr. (ioruon specialises on them, o. E. Treace D10 Lombard bldg. MAIn 2S0.

for sale. Call DRcxoI ROOMING HOUSE: 10-rooin. modorn, north; sell rurnisinngs. give lease; you ran buy property; S-car, brick garage; own your own. DAVIS, 83 WHEN.

ltnciMINII tintlSK. 15 rnnmn. well fur. ninnca; spicnaiu location, norm niwaya iuii; permanent iuantn. tihh iu a nure Income nnd a bargain; price terms.

Miller Investment 403 Lom-hard. 21 Waslilncton. nOOMINO IOtJHB 13 moms anil bath one block of Shortrlnge high ncnooi; rent iflfl' Inrnm IlRlv irnnil furniture: house In good condition; sacrifice: terms. E. D.

Jones 4th lloor When bUlg. ROOMING HOUSE. Collogo 14 rooms; nlKlVcd and nrrnnaed; price terms. Miller Investment 408 Lombard mar. 3, ii.

wasnmgton. ROOMINiJ HOUSE. 11 rooms. 3 unfur nished rent only monthly profits 1120; located on North sldo. Price 8600.

K. E. Dean 546-ft Lemcko Annex. ROOMING HOUSES, groceries, restaurants, or any other business sold quickly. Circle 1329.

E. D. Jones 4lh floor When bldg. ROOMING HOUSE, 7 rooms; a wonderful bargain; rent only 140. Cash or terms.

It will pay you to Investigate this one. O. E. Treace1 S10 Lombard bldg. ROOMING HOUSE If you want to sell or buy, talk to "Ring, the rooming house O.

E. Treaco I10 Lombard bldg. MAIn 6280. ROOMING HOUSE, 14 rooms; a good rlass of roomers: rent only $40. Will sell on terms.

Priced to suit the buyer. O. E. TroacoA 610 Lombard hide. ROOMING HOUSE, good location.

11 rooms, 4 rooms partly furnished: clean, good furniture. Wood. 149 N. Delaware. ROOMING HOUSE, north, fine corner.

close UK' excellent furnishings: city neat; good Income. Wood. US N. Delaware. ROOMING HOUSE, 14 rooms.

700 block north; Hue homo und income. Lincoln 5210. ROOMING HOUSE 7 modem rooms. bath; ecu nvo romo furniture, circle 1462. iV LOCAL firm engaged In tho manufacture of a particular lino of food products opened hero last May.

Enough capital was provided for the conduct of the business under all ordinary conditions, but the popularity of the nroduut Increased the demand no suddenly that available funds aro wholly Inadequate to handlo quires. Part of tho turnover requires only 24 to 4S hours, and none of It more than sixty days-hut even al that the Arm Is under the necessity of financing tho output on the outside nt unfavorable rales and under unsatisfactory conditions. Ortlcers wish to meut substantial business man with about 83,000, who would take Interest or finance. Profits considerably above ordinary. Address All No.

856, MOTOR HAULING CONTRACT Min who in willing to drive ami nnnr. ate his truck can obtain profitable long distance nauuns contract tor ID mouths. One who' Is financially able to pay 1,600 more on hlgh-grado new motor oquipmont. income limited only by willingness to work. Must furnish best references.

A wonderful opportunity for a real man desirous oC con-necting with an alroady establlehod and reputaole firm. P. and A. Dispatch, 1006 People's Bank bldg. Attention, Buyers IS-room house, city steam heat, 4 blocks north of Monumont; full ol nurmanent roomers, Income, 8260; rent, toB.

Owner (leaving fon hospital. Musi act quick. Prlco and terms no object to right party. Sou my agent. MORGAN'S EXCHANGE, 10 W.

Ohio Bt. PATiTNEn wanted. 1th $600, take all activo nair intoreai wuu iu in highly profitable, permanent business In mulannpolls, Oood living salary and If us 8260 to $300 per mpntli. This Is -inn diirninod. lionomblo business and will stand' fullosts Investigation.

If Interested ejlqBosl 374 3. Star. A TtRAT. finnCERY. Cash and carry.

Averaging $1,800 per nnu. will consider good city rentals: lump or Invoice. If Interested you aro wolcotno to work In store, See for your self. Best store in city. flIOrgan JSCI mil uu, wiim nn rnn 1 1 TrimK narden anil green' 7....

n. nt iIia tiat MHlRhllHtleil truck gardener's trade In southern Indiana, only forty-flvo mllea from Indianapolis. Will be sold at a sacrifice. A nnap; the best bargain I ever offered. Charles I.

Flshel, nope, mu. PARTNER wanted for established real hard worker: email nmount of cash re- A. AH Ni THE BUSIEST llttlo restaurant on West 1700: locnlcd in business and Industrial strict. Investigate this at once. MILLER INVESTMENT FOR QUICK CA8H SALE Ol YOUR DU9-1 ti DTMrnni IP.

BRE TIH: ALL Miii XNHACT IONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. MILLER 408 LOMRAIID 24 VS E. WA8H-INOTON ST. NU-wXV SHOE REPAIR SCHOOL, FOR SALE dnvs only, my store and tween Martinsville and BloomlnRton, pn Dixie highway; no irwwn nn i nnr mtlt to 1'OUr DUBinCftS, Small eichango. Wrlto me at once.

Mr. Hariclo. 336-33? Imcke SMALL OROCBrtV. by owner: nice neigh borhnod In Irvlngfon. Rent or sei loreroom ann i-rouni "m-u.

onnormniiy. inimmi" anartmant. "hood location and furniture. Call INI. bouse, vroctrr, uu WIOI IV Man C.

Ht- Lemcke Anns. MAIn 31 3IIT. POR HA L1C 91,200 buys a good grocary and meat market! cash or terms. Hae Mr7 Hampon. 368 N.

Liberty, st. Circle BINZ'er" AUCTIONEER HUmboldt 3C70. aparlmant, nlshed; rent 160, close in, wo)) fur-Including heat and Lincoln 6310. PQiS oni" 11 BBFOREl you buy or sell see us. We can save you money.

noor nin utj MODKRN rooming housea for Bale! loi prices. Ainmerman. 1741. Dal. route liSO.

PaT IP 80 V. Miscellaneous. OAIC roll-top desk nnd chair. noma i OHKJLE itnbiMhQt. gray cnnmol.

Ilka newj kiddy koop, comploto, new, white enamel. iiargainw. iiArnnon SANITARY, ganulno trarrttnln nnlih com- puling BCBica. in w. wniMiot.

Aiin STOVES Renickeled. Indianapolis Plating Co. 633-35 Kentucky ave. MAIll THURBEt Elastic hosiery and belt, arch support Ths Akron Truss 217 Maas. ava.

FOR SALE Fixture of Nick Klrker Co. bankrupt. 121 N. Alabama very fllio mahoKany roll-top deeJ, mahogany library lobln. revo.vlng ehalra to match, Hurrowa adding machine, typewriter, i-cnlo.

lot of lumncr. grocera wrapping paper and papor bans. 121 N. Alabamii ut. Will anil In parrels to suit purchaser.

WILLIAM f. JuHNbUN MjmBBH CO, fins mill work, lumbir. building material RAndolph 7000. Nineteenth and Uonoa railroad. condition; very fine National cash regis ter, r.lty caen i-r leventn.

t'BKD casti rutfistere. guaranteed. ments: scale, adding machine, showcases. Bprarue W. Ohio.

M. OS 4. FOR KALD Soda fountain, rarhonators. lc. Knight Koda Fountain anowcascs, WHBN you think of typewriters think of.

Judd, 22 S. Pennsylvania ot. Rented, repilred, sold. IB nnd up. ONB ntniost ne MISCELLANEOUS WANTED.

Money Due You Will pay high dollar for your rurniturc. Call MAln G655. WE WANT TO BUY RIGHT NOW FURNITURE. HUGH. STOVES, REFRIGERATORS, OFFICE FURNITURE.

UPED OOODfl. HTORE Lincoln 2288. Household Goods Will pay cash for enough furniture to furnish 20 rooms: will buy anything that Is upahle. Call Circle 4SB0. LET ME SELL your nouaenold goods at auction or pay you cash.

You get more. L. A. HODGES Auctioneer. HArrlson 3311.

Attention Call MAlo 811, will bring a huytf promptly to ouy mur nnuinnoia wooqi GOOD souna yellow ear corn wanted at Union Stocle Yards. WE WANT geoa ueed furniture; will pM all It Is worth. STANDARD FURNITURE HE Massachusetts ave. MAln gls. WILL pay th hlgheii prices tor fiii klnat of household goods la private homes et Hats.

MAln "7S. WANTED One wardrnbn trunk: must be good condition; reasonably price. RAn- uoijm WANTED Good used furniture blankets. 4 20 E. South at.

itiley Call DItexel IJflB. BTsw- 27 IU7SINKSK ANNOUNCEMENTS. FEATHERS bought, som and renoratad; feather mattresses and pillows mad a K. F. Burklo.

416 Mass. MAIn 148B. GARMENTS cleanttd and dyed at ths Obi-cego Dys ouse. 110 a. Illlnnla.

MAIn QUI, PATER HANGING, paper furnished, 94.39 per room and up. Circle 6867. PAPER CLEANING t'olf J. A. Salllduy.

WAehlngton 2231. PLUMBING and heating. 818 Massachusetts ave MAin zpig. downspouts, gutters, flues, new and repaired; reasonable. RAndolph CS08.

Safety Razor Blades harpand. TUTTLEDOE. 101 Indiana aea. C. C.

AYRES Is Now Building Individual Homes, and Bungalows. 317 E. South st. Circle 8238. WANTED Cornet pupils, by competent teacher.

Call IRvlngton IlOfl. C. II. uiarKQ. HAVE YOUR OLD HATH CLEANED.


Lincoln 783. Long distance moving, high-class equip ment and service. Insurance protection. Red Ball Transit Company National Household Movers 803 Merchants Bank MAin 4631. Indianapolis, Ind.

Shank Superior Service BEST FACILITIES FOIl STORAGE. TRANSFER. PACKING AND SniPPINtt 827 N. New Jersey st. IfAtn SOM.

Lincoln 113X WE HAUL anything. Moving $3 up. Oyer- iann specialty; oxpanoiicuu inuu. ituu-nard Vogel. BEImont 3420; BIVIN for In KEnwood 1002 and 1603.

LOW prlco for light hauling. Charles uoomus i run sier. wK.oHtnr ItRg-1741. 20 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AUTO-ELECTRIC service station.

Must null ut onco. Thriving business; no time accounts; cash. Population 11.000. Only station in town. Address ax no.

16JU, Star. BARBER SHOP Well locuted, first-class fixtures, rent CHICKEN farm for oale, by owner. Cor- nur umurson ave, ana itaymonu at. New, seml-modorn, C-room bungalow and garago. H-acro lot.

facing naved roud. nuleB from Monumont. Splendid for cuiuiioiiB, i run uurnvn uiui vvHtittiuioiii low taxes: close, to car lino, school nnd Industries. Only $4,000. Small payment down, tmi am: easy, uort wunoim uituai tii.

uing j. CKJAlt and news stand, lobby, downtown noiv'i; won diockpii; nno location; uur- fain at 8600. Miller Investment 108 4 E. Washington. ly (360.

O. Treace 610 Lombard DAIRY LUNCH Seating 100 people, doing $3,000 month nusineos; rent itu; ieno tin Aml. r.nlrof Af DAIRY LUNCH, doing good buslneas; rent io good piace iur iukti ana wua, bobi-ing 42 paople: established stand. E. V.

jonea th noor wnen mag. DFtUO STOKE for sale trade, would consiaer inniuimpnim rva I estate, vacant or Improved. dress AH No. 717. Star.

DRUO store, downtown location, doing Sooit business; nsst ouy in city, na ross All No. 704. Star. DRUG-STORE: price right; good location. Aaaresa Ait pp.

i OA RAO Trade ior near iann, city uropnrty. I. It. BUR It 11 A RT. 8 E.

Market. CIr. 1463, rlnma In. north I aCCOUU sickness will sell cheap. HArrlson 0308.

GROCERY ATOMS; doing good business; cosn ami carry. wnwi io i nuwmn. nnnnnnv unA meat martlet: northeast good location; cheap rent; would conildsr traae, Anaown svsvi six or O. nf of II Suburban. NEW four-room bungalow, Junl completed, located In Rockvllte Osrdena.

Thle Is the lust onn of several that we have built recently. Electric lights, garni, good driven well, close to school. Lccal-O'l Plop 1 Danville traction, on Hookvtlle road. It's a bargain. 1250 cash, balance (20 month.

Let me show you thin house. O. n. McFaddmi, 4S0 K. Washington si.

31 A I WEblUr 0889. University Heights Wo havo m-w five-room bungalow r-ith Imthroom, closet, cleclrlfi fixtures, basement, well, garage and extra lot. which wo can sell on terms ami prlco to milt you. Tall TJU'KnLOOD, MA In 01BG. LcLn ACRES.

iiiTfes southwest of city; pond building; II. 0U0 cash and lerma. FOWLVIR BATON. C'ltv Trust. MA In GJ11.

tu, ACRES, new B-ronm house: well fated: tinny nnynu-nts. MAIn 1741. Saio or I3gclmi.ce. Double Your Income I have apartment hullrilnifa practically now, nl located north of nil which must on turned this month. Win conPldrr some dear proportU-a and rash dtlTcrince.

Trade one or nil. No information BlVfn over Us worm vour while to talk thin over If you mean buslncHN. K. S. VERNON.

r.oa riclhT Trust. ClrcleM. Auto As" Cosh Klvf-room huncralow. northeast, kc-iric Unhts. pan.

Insldo toiler, city wair. basement; 13.500: auto or lot as lint payment, balance lllie rent. .1. 1 Cant well MAIn 610. 830 Lemcke 1I'IR- Sil-ACUR farm, Improved.

9 miles cast or Monument: will exchange for. vacant lots or other real estate. Will give some one 800,1 1.. HAMTMAN. N.

Delaware. MAIn 5. do'you'nkb'd cash? I van trmto vour Indlnnapolls vacant lot or Improved property for (0-acre farm, clone In Indianapolis, and pet you substantial rash payment In addlUon. a n2 ni. 1 111 "18, 1 ft NRWI.Y reHnlshcd and redecorated elKl'J-room modern house, with and beautiful almost new Deluxo hlgn-itrad louring car to tiade for North i iiropcrtv.

What havo you? Hox No. IMIrt. Star. 55. 000 KQU1TV In good double, cast, rent-inc for 1110 per month, for cuuliy THVj STUUKMAhr R-.

Iftflfi National I'ltv bnnk. Lincoln V. i- -v i.ii, fint north: vearlv rit 'Price jr.0.000; mtc. 8y0.7r9la' equity for -lear farm. V.

J. Fostot, 015 Munie-Maneur. PKVKNROOSl house, southeast. Owner. nH'i N.

Capltnl ave. KKAIj I'lSTATM WANTED. who will pay UD to J15.000 for a good three or four bedroom home, north of Thlrty-clirhth si. and east of Meridian. If your Realty Finance Co.


308. STAR. BE QUICK Havo demand for 17,500 to 18.000 bungalow; must havo rooms, breakfast room, hardwood floors, fireplace, 1 aetS'a and savings LAC BY HE A UN. Mn. nco I 2 1.

AETNA TRUHT AND PAViNriS Hwmi customer for 16.000 lo 16,500 bungalow; fl.OOO cash. Also lor bunea low, IS00 cash. List your property and get quick acrvlco. LAC BY HBARN, MANAQCR. L.

in com i WILL PAY CASH FOR MODERN FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE NEAR jENTIIAL, A LARA MA OR COLLEOE CAR UNB. HOUTII OF THE CREEIf MON EN BELLE 407 NATIONAL CITY JTANK WILL BUY property In any part of tnwn, but must bu clicap anil show good return on money. Don't unswer unless you're prlcod right. Give full particulars. Aililroca All fto.

aon. tnr. CHH paid for houses and vacant lota In F.mertou heights, nulrk deul. T-awrence J. fa'exton, Indiana Trust bldg.

MAIn 0151 or nRookslde 733S. VACANT LOT or lots ns part payment on modem six-room houvo on naved street. Ain umi. FIVE to weven-rnom mortem or eeml-modern. Pay cash but must bo bargain.

FOR quick sale. Hat your na waltlnr. J. 1033 Humc-Mansur. lIAln 3076.

WANTED Now Orleans (Ln.) Improved propeny ior bo mo nere. nia iiueriy. LIST your real estate with Frank Brown. Realtor, 831 I-emrke hldV. EAIOt LASDS.

REAL ESTATE AUCTION. Friday. Oct. 0, at 'i p. 2 acres ot Weatheld, Hamilton county, with 6-room house, electric Illhts, good spring.

Plenty of fruit, rich, productive soil, ft estnold Is on Range lino highway. 20 mllea north of Indianapolis; on railroad; flno churches, schools and business; location of Union High seminary. TERMS 35 per cent of purchase price cash, baloncs 1 and 2 years; interest 7 per cent, scoured by first mortgage. Will -also sell some household goods and other Items. Terms on personalty cash.

H. C. Fo-Land Auction nuctlon'sers. Noblea-vllle, Ind. MARY B.

COX. Owner. LANDLESS MEN! Opportunity awaits you near thriving city In lower Michigan. Twenty, forty, eighty-acre tracts; only 110 to down, tialiincn (tn time. Hucnr tree, cluv loam soil.

Investigate. Write today for free illustrated booklet giving full Information. Swlgart Land Alii IS First Nat'l Bank bldg- Chicago. Farm for Sale III acres, irnnd hnusu. and mllo from orhool und Very cheap lor quicit sale.

Myron H. ICohn, 305 Merchants Bank. MAIn S337. FOR SALE 30 acres of good land on corner ot two good gravel roads, splendid neighborhood, good 6-room house, good barn, building well painted and In good repair; nice Hnado nnd fruit; land nearlv all level und In cultivation; welt fenced and well tiled. Dandy country home and you can buy It for 4 mll-m of Zloiisvllle.

W. O. MI1U ZlontfvlUo. Ind. 38 ACRES, on nno lako near KnlMiniEoo; 4-room house, barn, poultry house, n( fruit trees; 1 acres strawberries, 150 raspberries, vineyard, horso and wagon.

2 cows, 70 chickens, plow, 4 loads hay, 2 hnatM. All for iilllnU hiiIh flfift- 11 rinn down. Write today about thin and other 7fc ACRES ten miles of Indtanapons: 30 acres Similes of Indianapolis, fio acres II roll ob of Indianapolis, 60 acres 16 miles nt Ind anunullB, 18 acres 25 miles of Indian, apolla: havo good buildings and good land: those and any sUu farms desired at special bargains. II, Henderson. jooroMVlllo.

Init. TO BENT Farm to breed and feed hogn by hundred. Experienced coder and partnership, contract. Excellent references, Including Purdue uuthnrltlpH. I'hono om artor ti p.

m. or 238 New York 3. 110-ACRE farm. Similes southwest leans. Orange Co.

A bargain If ukun at oucn. Addresa Clarence Harned, Paoll Ind. 31 ACRES, Imnroved. iienp nnslder IndlunanollH pronertv' prlco 10,000, Joseph L. 341 Parlt: way ftVQii inuianapoiiB, FARMS WANTKI).

50.000 EQUITY In good double, cast; renting for 1110 per month; for vour equity In good farm noar Indianapolis, THE BTUDEBAiCERH. 1000 Nntlonul City bank. Lincoln 221D. Household (ioods. good condition, no.

JE, OOOD AS NKWi ington 1680. good ns new, 1021 Church' an aiier UHOl'LEAF breulcfnHL tnbliin. new. tvltli ac(noieu vtigo, tiv; ivinusor cuairs to matrhj new, 3.76. USED OOODH STORE 424 MASS.

AVE. liROt'-HEAU Hlugi'r xewlng tnacnlne, gooi condition, U'. 1 1 07 Prospect. UAH RANOE, 4 bunier, and oven. 632 N.

UiHalle. LINOLEUM rug, oak bTd! kanltary vt ucli, lululd brass lamp, kitchen labia mid clialis. IIArr. 0978, rr a Hat, flics, ram ens K2 sts. bles.

the en Ihiv 406 ONB FOR WB 1 1 NEW OI.D8MOBILE, 1DU touring; in perfect condition, roposoossud; wilt soil for 3B0 cash or Urmn. 235 N. Pennoylvanla. OLDSMODitib 6, tourlnff, 3465, terms: 90 days' froe service. Auto Sales, 236 N.

Pennsylvania. OVEIILAND baby 4, 1921 tourlnn; suar- nnteoa no in hiiupi; utnin ut njima. BIVIN OVEHLAND 955 N. Morldian st; Ogen pvenlnp. OVERliAND 60; motor just overhauled) 4 nooaj tiros: zuu.

ijcuvuiu vuy. muot. seU; Will demonstrate. Call WEbster 5060, between 6 and 7:30 p. m.

OAKLAND 1921 sedan: splendid condition; IOOKS HUB now; purgtun. ihyiuihuu OVBHLAND, 1921 liRht tour sedan. tcotuX Jalnt and good tires; 9650: 9320 down, 33 a month, lil N. Packard Coupe With Kimball custom built bodr, in A-l condition mechanically; special paint and -upholstering. Losey-Nash Retail Co.

400 N. Capitol. MAin 3348. hbo, ms touring fair condition; aroad 813 E. Waohlnston st, DRexol Dim 7,00.

Reo Tourina. SlOO down; good condition. 619 W. Illlnola at. BTUDEBAlCEIt Sly tourlnff.

Came out In the fall ot 1S0: hoa beim recently ro-flnlahod In gray and hlack und- haa new cord tlrea; also aldo wlndahloldi. Thta car la r. real barcaln at Is7bj torma. O. if.

wallbbicu Company. 3 m. Mar. STUTZ 4-passenger sport model; 3 new Kelly Springfield cord tlrea on roar, 3 new. good tiros In front, 2 extras.

California top. Painted cherry red. A One' little rport car (or only 9650. Pilot Motor Car Co. 1110 N.

Meridian. 4081. (Continued on Next Page.) ANNOUNCEMENTS. tiatn tt jlrtSMIA li itinuriArBiii.iMq PififQ KODAK USERS Let's all of us take pictures before these beautiful fall days are gone. We specialize in serving the public by placing our agencies over tho entire city.

See Your Druggist AFTER THE SNAPSHOT. leave your films with ono of our agencies for Quality and Service "MAln W3. 48 8. Capitol. NATIONA Ma.BchU..

The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.