How To Use Investment Points In Deepwoken (2024)

1. How do you use investment points | Fandom - Deepwoken Wiki

  • After spending 5 points you power up, then you get to pick cards which give certain talents which give certain abilities, or a mantra, which is like a spell.

  • Im genuinely confused

2. Power | Deepwoken Wiki - Fandom

  • Each level of Power grants 15 investment points to a player, these investment points can be put into any of the skills present within the game which are ...

  • Power or Level is the leveling mechanic of Deepwoken that enables players to increase their stats as well as unlock new Talents, Mantras, and select an Oath. Each level of Power grants 15 investment points to a player, these investment points can be put into any of the skills present within the game which are redirected into their actual stats. Once all 15 points have been invested a player will increase their Power upon meeting EXP requirements. As players Power up further the EXP required to i

3. Leveling | Deepwoken Wiki - Fandom

4. How to Use Investment Points in Deepwoken - Playbite

  • Investment Points in Deepwoken are used to upgrade your character's skills and attributes. Just head to a training area or use training items to spend them!

  • Spend investment points at a trainer to upgrade your skills. Easy peasy!

5. How to Use Investment Points in Deepwoken? - Playbite

  • Jul 5, 2024 · Investment points are spent at training stations to increase your attributes. Just pick the stat you fancy boosting and you're good to go!

  • Investment points are spent at training stations to increase your attributes. Just pick the stat you fancy boosting and you're good to go!

6. How To Use Investment Points in Deepwoken, Explained

  • Mar 7, 2024 · Just play Deepwoken as you should like completing quests to earn more points, and focus on specific stats you want to increase to spend said ...

  • Deepwoken is reliant on skills to see your character (potentially) survive, and learning how to use investment points is key to that.

7. Attributes - Deepwoken Wiki - Fandom

  • Attributes can be increased by using a respective attribute training tool in order to spend your current investment points. When creating a character you start ...

  • You feel your ability has potential. With the right equipment, you could draw it out...SelfAttributes are player stats that can be increased to a soft cap of 75 points (77 if the player character has a race that starts with +2 in that specific attribute, or 78 if they start with +3), and unbounded to a hard cap of 100 points (likewise, 102 if the player character race starts with +2 in that specific attribute or 103 if they start with +3) via an unbound quest for that attribute. Attributes can b

8. Character Stats | Deepwoken Wiki - Fandom

  • Each player gets 330 investment points per slot, from Level 1-20, including ... Terms of Use · Privacy Policy · Digital Services Act · Global Sitemap · Local ...

  • Each player gets 330 investment points per slot, from Level 1-20, including investment points given to them by their character’s race (+3 and +2 stats). The player's max Health Points. Starting value is 160 (+6 at Power 1). Current HP is tracked on the health bar in %, from 100 to 0. When it reach 0%, caused by taking damage, the player is knocked. How to increase: Power (6 Per power), Equipment, Fortitude (.5 Per investment), Talents The player's max Posture. Starting value is 20. Current Postu

9. How to Play Deepwoken (with Pictures) - wikiHow

  • Mar 17, 2024 · Put your items in the bank. Banks in Deepwoken can be used to store items between slots, sell items or cash out artifacts. To put an item in the ...

  • Deepwoken by Vows by the Sea on Roblox, is an immersive paid access game that constantly challenges the player to explore and adapt to new obstacles. However, it can be difficult to learn because of its sharp learning curve towards...

10. ▷ Use Investment Points in Deepwoken -

  • Mar 8, 2024 · The crux of wielding investment points lies in their capacity to fortify your character's power and attributes. Through astute allocation and ...

  • Learn How To Use Investment Points in Deepwoken. Master the art of strategic investment for maximum impact!

11. investment points | Fandom - Deepwoken Wiki

  • Dec 31, 2021 · Yeah this usually happens when you use a lot of free points at once just kill things for exp to level up your fine. What do you think? Fandom ...

  • My investment points is 0 is it bug or something ?

How To Use Investment Points In Deepwoken (2024)


How to use investment points in deepwoken reddit? ›

Basically you have to use the training tools to invest the points into skills. The tools boost training for that skill. Dumbbell boosts strength.

How do investment points work in Deepwoken? ›

To use investment points in Deepwoken, level up your stats! Head to a training station and choose which stat you want to improve. Easy peasy! You just spend investment points to train up your attributes at any training station.

How to use free points in Deepwoken? ›

You can spend Free Points whilst sitting near a campfire (or anything that can substitute a campfire). It is also noted that you can get free points even without Autodidact by getting white orbs that spawn out of humanoid and monster mobs (has a certain chance to do so) or you can talk to Shrine of Courage.

How to upgrade stats in Deepwoken? ›

Attributes can be increased by using a respective attribute training tool in order to spend your current investment points. When creating a character you start off with 13 free investment points plus an additional 2 or 3 points in two stats dependent on your race (i.e.

What does the G key do in Deepwoken? ›

Main Controls
FParryPlayer parries attacks if used right before impact.
F (hold)BlockPlayer blocks incoming attacks. Increases posture.
GVentPlayer vents, reducing their Tempo and knocking enemies back.
YSwitch StancePlayers swap weapon stance if possible.
18 more rows

How do you buy weapons in Deepwoken? ›

Weapons can be bought from shops or obtained from chests. Training your Weapon stat requires you to hit/parry with your weapon (parrying multi-hit moves Light or Heavy.

Is luck still a thing in Deepwoken? ›

Luck was a feature in Deepwoken that affected the likelihood of rare or legendary Talent Cards appearing when you power up. As of the Verse 2 update, Luck has been removed and replaced with an entirely new system to give you rare and or legendary Talent Cards.

Is Deepwoken still paid? ›

Deepwoken is a RPG experience developed by Vows by the Sea, the same group that made Rogue Lineage and Tales from the Valley. The game revolves around difficult combat and exploration. It is paid access and costs 400 Robux.

Does Deepwoken worth it? ›

Absolutely! Deepwoken offers a rich, challenging gameplay experience with tons of customization and deep lore. It's a must-try for any adventure game fan!

What can get you banned in Deepwoken? ›

Usage of derogative words, such as slurs, aimed at another wiki member(s) or organization(s). Repeated posts / messages over a short time, and unnecessarily long comments. Using templates improperly across the Wiki. Posting in Discussions under the wrong category.

What is max luck in Deepwoken? ›

The new luck effect, emits a "shining" noise and has a oval-like shape which zooms in and out on the character. Luck was a feature shown on the bottom right of your screen. This value had a maximum of 45% and a minimum of 25%.

How many deaths do you have in Deepwoken? ›

If you want to know more about where you go after dying twice, see The Depths. Death is a core aspect of Deepwoken. You have three lives in Deepwoken, the first two lives in the The Overworld, and the third in The Depths. When you die, you drop roughly half your notes and items, but the losses...

How many investment points do you get in total in Deepwoken? ›

Each player gets 330 investment points per slot, from Level 1-20, including investment points given to them by their character's race (+3 and +2 stats).

Why is my frostdraw red? ›

As of 1/12/2024, Glass Path: Crystallization now makes Frostdraw Mantras reddish pink. Anything that would Freeze while using Glass Path: Crystallization would cause the crystals in your opponent to explode.

What to buy with notes in Deepwoken? ›

) is the standard currency in Deepwoken. They are used to purchase various things, such as Food, Weapons, and tools.

How does Deepwoken aging work? ›

Effects of aging

If you are significantly older than another player of the same race then they get the "Juvenile" or "Nephew" title over their name like it would for a family member and you get "Elder" above yours for them.

What happens when you run out of blood in Deepwoken? ›

Upon reaching zero Blood, the following happens: The player will always be combat tagged. The player's Water and Stomach bar will rapidly decrease. Getting hit while bleeding out drains a large amount of Water and Stomach.


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